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Comparing Grove City to Geneva College


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In our experience, all of Margaret's observations have been accurate thus far. However, I did have one note on GCC's financial aid. Their tuition is very low, but that is often the extent of the aid that you receive. In the end, my sons' (Two of my sons have applied to GCC) costs at GCC were higher than the other schools to which they applied. My oldest son is currently at Hillsdale, and they are very generous. His merit aid has increased every year he's been there.


My boys both applied to GCC and Geneva, and they both ended up at other schools. Geneva isn't as academically challenging as GCC, but it actually ended up as the second choice for both of my kids. My son at Hillsdale debated for a long time between Geneva and Hillsdale because of the strength of Geneva's accounting department. (He ended up at Hillsdale for the strength of the academics across the board, and is enjoying the challenge.) Something about the atmosphere at GCC didn't resonate with either of my sons, despite the fact that they have many friends who have been happy there.

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My eldest considered both and I have taught students who are alumni of both. 

Both are small, conservative, rather Reformed Presbyterian schools.  Both are overwhelming homogeneous in their demographics.  Very small town conservative and (well for lack of a better word) white. 


Grove City is academically more rigorous.  For the money, its a better education.  I would be thrilled to send one of my children there, although my eldest (very rightly) discerned that it was not the place for him.  They are building a robotics program that I hope my second son will investigate.  They have fascinating lecturers on campus and a history of community involvement. 


Grove City, you have already seen, does not accept federal funding.  They keep tuition reasonably affordable, so the middle class families are set, those who would qualify for serious aid will avoid them, and those who could afford tuition outright see them as a bargain. 


Grove City's admissions process is highly selective.  Seriously. I also find that Grove City alumni can be a little big arrogant.  They are not always the most teachable seminarians, but always very capable.  Their work is good but its like talking to a wall.  Limited sample size, admittedly.


Geneva is a little more diverse (a little) than Grove City but still requires mandatory chapel, so the student body is overwhelmingly Protestant of the conservative stripe.  Geneva is set in a more grungy little town (think Pittsburgh mill town that hasn't quite recovered, but don't think slum.... Beaver Falls has a lot going for it) with a tiny but awesome Korean restaurant across the street (this was a factor in my son's consideration of colleges).  Its telling though that the Korean restaurant gets very little student business.  Again, pretty homogenous place. 


Geneva has merit scholarships that bring tuitiion into the range of Grove City.  Admissions are a lot easier at Geneva, but be aware that Geneva is really struggling to stay afloat right now.  No imminent danger, but they cut five majors last year.  As a parent, I considered that a concern.   Geneva's atmosphere is a little more relaxed than Grove City's.


Both are extremely homeschool friendly.


My son decided not to apply to Grove City and did apply to Geneva (and was admitted with scholarship).  He would have been happy to attend Geneva and he has  friends at both schools (and all their parents seem really happy with their decisions).  (My son opted for a catholic college.)


Hope that helps!


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I know several people who attended Grove City.  One is a very recent graduate. She was hired into a fantastic job prior to graduating.  Her employer was specifically looking for a GCC student. 


I'm kind of surprised by the use of "arrogant" to describe the school. It is certainly a unique place; so I do suppose some there may carry an attitude of arrogance, but I think that can be found on any campus. DS recently visited a hotly promoted school on these forums and felt the same about it.


Grove City is great for:

1. A very solid & well-rounded liberal arts education at a reasonable price.

2. Protestant Christians. If you like to study your bible, you will find your tribe here.

3. Excellent engineering program (at least 20 years ago, and I believe that is still true today).

4. Extremely safe campus.  Alcohol or drug violation?  At the minimum you will receive a several day suspension.  Inter-visitation violation? Again a minimum several day suspension.  GCC does not mess around with these policies.  Campus crime is very rare here. Left your jacket in the dining hall & your name is in it?  Someone will return it to you.  Left your jacket in the dining hall & your name is NOT in it?  It will probably still be there the next day when you go looking for it. 

5. Many employers recognize and value these qualities.


Since this is quite uncommon at most universities, let me expand on the alcohol/drug/inter-visitation.  NO alcohol or drugs allowed by anyone of any age at anytime anywhere on campus. There are no co-ed dorms.  Inter-visitation is allowed only at limited, select times. Visitors must be signed in to a particular room, and the door of that dorm room must be left partially open. "Four on the floor and shoe in the door." Again, they do not mess around with these rules.


GCC may not be for you if:

1. You are not unabashedly Christian. 

2. You are looking for a politically liberal education. GCC is most definitely politically conservative. This is more (or less) of a factor depending on your major.

3. You like to bend the rules. 

4. You want a party school. It is so, so not this.

5. You want easy grades. It is well known in the geographic area that GCC students work much harder for their grades than most anywhere else. 

6. You don't want to stay in the area after graduation.  GCC's reputation is more regional. Your first job will likely be in the Pittsburgh area, or working for a company that has headquarters or other strong presence in the Pittsburgh area.


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