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Book for Essential Oils


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I'm getting going (again) on making my own natural cleaners and such.  And of curse add this or that essential oil comes up.  Trying to get it all in my brain and why this one and not that one is getting confusing.  (Tea tree?  I thought it said Eucalyptus.  What's the difference anyway?  Besides smell.  And sure lavender is calming, but what else?)


So a nice book with an overview but with much of the space devoted to reference.  Easy reference.




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Essential Living: Aromatherapy Recipes for Health and Home by Andrea Butje

Andrea teaches through the Aromahead Institute.


This is a very short book, but it gives you a starting place. It starts with a brief introduction to aromatherapy, moves into a basic tool kit of oils and applications. The rest of the book covers the kitchen, bathroom, beauty & skin, medicine chest, living room, bedroom, kids, the office, outdoor spaces, travel, emotional wellbeing, and aromatic indulgences. There are a few recipes in each sections using the oils in the recommended tool kit.


If you get the ebook you can easily jump to the room or purpose through the table of contents.

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