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Tapestry of Grace for K6 ELL?


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I saw the Tapestry of Grace Primer curriculum and would love to start this with my daughter only as an introduction to prepare her for SOTW or TOG 1 next year.  She's still learning a lot of English.  I feel she'll enjoy doing some of the activities and she'll probably only pick-up a little bit of info at a time.  I think I'm OK with that.  Or it means we should wait another year.  But, what gets me is the amount of reading in each lesson.  I read through the sample and holy cow, what's with all that reading? Am I supposed to do ALL of that each day?  She loves to cuddle up and read, but she spaces out whenever I do read to her.  I can't imagine reading all of those selections every day.  Are they for once a week? 


Would you do this History curriculum for a six-year-old who is still learning English? 

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I would not.  I would get the Ambleside Online curriculum online books for year 0 or 1 depending on maturity and just read the classic young people's literature to her and develop vocabulary AND make memories.


TOG can wait.  I'm sorry - I've used it on and off for years but with language development being the key issue - I'd take full advantage of her age and read nature stories and history stories and give her the best you can find as far as literature.


In my experience I do use TOG for history and geography and study skills with my high schoolers but am seeing with my 7 year old it isn't going to work.


What a great way to learn about words...who is George Washington and Johnny Appleseed and...I dunno...Peter Rabbit and Buster the Bear too.


Just my take...and I answered not because I know anything at all after 10 years of homeschooling - everyone is different.  But I answered since no one else has :)  Hope this at least helps a little.


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I have to agree with Momee.  I wouldn't worry at all about history right now besides interesting stories.  The suggestions for Ambleside Online Year 0 would be great for her age and build up vocabulary and listening skills and language development.  You could work on Five in a Row also.  Lots of great books that you re-read each day which might help her (unless she hates it, then don't worry about it), plus activities/crafts to do along with it.  They include history, math, social studies, geography, etc.  We loved it when my two oldest were younger and I plan to incorporate it this year or next for my youngest.  TOG is great, but it is intense.  You absolutely don't have to do it ALL (it's a buffet), but if you feel you need to, it might get to be too much.


Good luck and feel free to ask more questions.  Many of us have been there, done that.  :)  

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I am using TOG Primer this year, though I'm just starting, I've read up on it a lot and just want to address your question.  You mentioned the large amounts of reading.  I think what you're looking at is the week plan, so you definitely wouldn't be reading all of it in one day, and you could absolutely trim and summarize the reading assignments.  I think the whole point of the primer program specifically is just a very broad exposure, so I think it would be fine for her not to retain much and I think she might enjoy the varied topics.  I'd consider stretching it over two years instead of all in one if you decided to go with it.  She will pick up language quickly no matter what program you choose.  Good luck! :)

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