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FLL for grade 5 boy with little to no grammar instruction


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I have done basically no formal grammar with my son who is entering grade 5.  I know.  That is terrible.  I sometimes taught a tiny bit here or there, but he just hated it and I hated teaching it, so we never got around to it.  I really want to start grammar this year with him and with my grade 3 daughter.  I am planning to do FLL3 (or maybe ELTL) with my daughter.  Which level should I start my son in? 


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I found myself in a similar situation when I switched from another literature rich curriculum to a classical model.  I actually sat my then 5th grade son down and we breezed through FLL 1 - 2 (older combined book), FLL 3, and then FLL 4 before beginning Rod & Staff Grammar 5 as TWTM suggests.  Yes, it did take a little while but it made me feel more confident that we hadn't really missed anything.  I didn't camp out on any one concept unless there was an issue and skipped review lessons of material he had grasped.  When it was all said-and-done, I am thankful we took the time to do so.  Had the youngest been closer in age, just starting at FLL 3 like mamaraby suggested would have been a great option.  Once he's familiar with the format and if he is capable of being more independent, he could go through FLL 4 alone.  Love the FLL series and definitely recommend it at any opportunity.  Take courage - he'll be fine.  Enjoy those littles!

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If you're going to use R&S after FLL you could just start with R&S 5 with an average 5th grader who has no grammar instruction. It starts at the beginning with subjects and verbs, and builds up from there. If it gets too thick you could do half the lesson one day (or odds), and do the rest the next day. My late bloomer started R&S 5 at the end of 4th grade, because we didn't have FLL 4 in the house and I wanted to keep her going. I had planned to split lessons like I suggested, but it was never needed. She did fine. Thrived even.

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