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Apologia Gen Science with 6th AND 1st?


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Has anyone tried this?


I've got a 6th grader and a 1st grader this year. 6th is doing Apologia's Gen Science (which I know is for 7th, but I think he can do it).  I'm considering adapting the lessons for my 1st, as well, to a certain extent. So they can do the experiments together - or she can watch - but her lessons are more on her level. Before I reinvent the wheel here (or dive in only to discover that it doesn't work), has anyone tried this?


I don't anticipate my 1st grader actually using the Apologia text at all - rather, we'd find materials aimed at HER level, but covering the same general topics.

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That sounds like WAY more work than it's worth. I'd let the 6th have it to himself and do something entirely different for the 1st grader. Depending on their relationship dynamics I might have the 6th grader explain the experiments to the 1st grader.

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Well, what I'd do for science for her otherwise is just develop a list of topics she might be interested in and delve into them via library books, so it's not too terribly much more work than it would be otherwise. All last year (oldest did Chemistry and Physics), she did almost every experiment with him, or watched him, so I thought this might capitalize on her keen interest in what he is doing. (Meanwhile, she's not been too interested in her OWN science experiments...)

Have you used Apologia General Science?

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