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Galore Park French vs Nallenart for 3rd and 4th

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Can I get some comparisons of these two programs please?


I am looking for a course to start now and continue with thru the summer and into next year full year.


I've heard some love Nallenart and others say it's too easy. There's a sale on Levels 1-6 ending on Sunday.


I'm looking for a fun intro but also want them to learn alot if we are going to take the time to do it.

My older could probably do 2 levels of Nallenart in one year I think.


I don't know anything about GP SYTYWTLF or what to expect/how intense it is etc.


I am fluent but rusty, and know it will come back quickly.


What would I need to buy if I went with GP???



Boys are 8 and 9, but 9YO has an incredible memory . . .



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