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I can't find a Government program I like...

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I was going to do it dual enrollment but the place we are doing DE doesn't currently have a government class and I want to do it along since Early Modern studies. 


I used a 'get it done' program with my oldest and I wish we had done a better job. My current high schooler wants to go into forensics (probably forensic psychology) and work with the FBI, Homeland etc. so I really want to do a better job with some quality critical thinking. I can't find anything I like. There don't even seem to be many options. I like the idea of the You Decide books as a supplement to our history studies but they aren't a government course. 





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Look through college texts and find one you like for Government. I find they frequently do a better job in the critical thinking department than high school level texts. We used Understanding American Government by Susan Welch, et al.

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