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My College Kid is Home--Anybody Else?


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Looks like we are the last ones. We picked up DD today and brought her home! I am excited to have her home for the summer.


She had a great first year! It was challenging at times - the school is intense and the workload insane, exacerbated by the quarter system - but she did extremely well academically. What made me very happy was that she found friends, got involved and developed a sense of belonging in the campus community. My head is spinning when I think of all the things she manages to do besides her class work: she sings in choir, teaches ACT prep courses for local high school students and has a large administrative role in that program, is an editor for the college newspaper, became secretary of the Women in Physics society, got elected vice president of her house. She applied for, and got accepted into, a special interdisciplinary majors program in the humanities and will start that in the fall - in addition to her physics major. I feel she is taking full advantage of all the opportunities the university offers. She also developed a close relationship with one of her professors  and enjoyed countless hours of one-on-one discussions.


Right now, she is relaxing and playing computer games to unwind from a stressful finals week.

Over the summer, she will be my teaching assistant for the course I am teaching, and help set up another professor's low temperature lab. But first, tomorrow she will make ice cream and really enjoy having "her" kitchen back.


I am so happy she is home and had such a great first year.


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