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Druidawn Creative Writing Program for Boys


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Does anyone have experience with this program?




What was your experience?


What do you think the sweet spot is age-wise?


My son has finished WWE1 and is really interested in creative writing. Currently, he has been dictating fantasy stories to me (generally Pokeman or Minecraft related), but we are working on his typing skills. Do you think this would be a good fit for him?




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My daughter is doing Druidawn (it's not just for boys, but that's a primary target audience).  She's 11yo and loves it (she's also into dragons, fantasy, and some sci-fi so it's right up her alley).  She's in a special group of girls who enjoy writing.  I also have friends (at least 4 friends, some with multiple children) whose sons are doing it, who also love it.  Most of them weren't excited about writing, but Druidawn got them very excited and writing quite a bit.  I don't know anyone who has been unhappy about it.


Most of the people I know have started with kids who are at least 8 or 9yo, but it's worth writing to the folks who run the program to see if they have a group that would suit your son, and to ask their opinion about what age to start at.  I wouldn't start my 7yo dd yet, because while she can narrate and do copywork, I don't think she's quite ready to start generating her own stories.  My elder daughter might have been ready at that age, though (she has always been a storyteller).


Basically, it's fabulous and well worth your attention. 


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