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GIANT handwriting

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My son's handwriting is enormous! How do I work on this with him? We use HWT, and completed the last printing book earlier this school year. Since then, he's been writing across the curriculum on HWT paper. I'm hoping to start transitioning into cursive next school year but I feel like I need to get his writing to a more manageable size before then!

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I just posted about something like this.  I am using the last suggestion on that thread and it's working very well.  When I put the lines for him to copy in cursive RIGHT ABOVE where he is to write and ask him to match it, he's doing it and writing much smaller.  I also used another suggestion to talk to him about cursive as an art form and as a means of communicating with others (meaning others need to be able to read it).   I'll post an example to that thread later.  The key was to put the example in curse right above where he is to write so that he can match the size.



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