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Enlighten me: Social Studies/History req for HS - Can you pick anything?

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I have a quesion regarding whether the credits req for HS History/SS can be anything, including doing a year of research on a specific topic? Like WWII or US Political Party system or whatever.


Is this a nutty idea? Is it even possible? Is it something I'd have to ask my county Sch board about? Or is it even any of their business?




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It depends on your state requirements. In Florida, as a homeschooler, I can determine the requirements for my children to graduate. So we could definitely design our own class, even if there is no public school equivalent. We don't have to follow the public school mandates. Notwithstanding that, there are important considerations for our homeschool courses: 1) what do the colleges require (including our state university system) and 2) what is required for our state scholarship program. So you want to make sure that you get at least the minimum courses that the colleges require. Beyond that, you can fill the electives as you see fit.


I don't think it's nutty to design an independent study program. I think it's a good idea and, in fact, would make a great senior project. Or project for any year for that matter.




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You need to see if your state has any requirements. I don't mean what your local highschool or your state public schools do I mean what does the homeschool law say. If there are no requirements you can go to step 2. Check out the colleges your child might want to attend. Some require specific courses. NC state colleges require US History. You should teach those but if there's only one or two required you're still free to teach the other history courses as you or your child wants.

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I hadn't considered college entry when I winged out with this question. I also hadn't considered SAT, etc... :)


I love History. My daughter says she hates it--but I think she hates having to write papers and if she never had to write a paper, she'd prob enjoy history, LOL.


Anyway, I understand electives and I took a bunch of history electives in college on favorite topics to fill out my coursework. Naturally, my favs are now her favs only becuase they're the "fun" (er, fastinating) stuff, like Hitler and Kennedy's assassination (Sick people and conspiracy theories aren't my thing, they just make history more interesting; that's all.)


Well, it'll be up to her what she wants to do to round out her classes, I guess.






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