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math definitions that are easy to remember?

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We've found that the grammar definitions memorized and repeated in FLL and the phonics rule cards constantly reviewed in AAS work well for us, to aid in remembering concepts.  


I appreciate it that I can say, a verb is a word that _____________ or c says /s/ before __________ and the kids can instantly respond.  It's such a helpful strategy for them to use in remembering what they need to know and also as a prompt from me when I'm teaching or tutoring.  


Does anyone know of something similar already in existence for math definitions?

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I'm looking for good definitions--perimeter is the distance __________


It's not that I couldn't sit down and think of all the  necessary definitions and names of specific ways we talk about math (divisor, quotient, dividend...addends and sum etc.)  I just thought I would check to see if anyone had recommendations on where to look.   


Yesterday I discovered that aliens had sucked out all organized information pertaining to perimeter from my children's brains.  In my teacher's perspective, I feel like I've taught and taught and taught and taught this concept over the past 5  years.  But they were still struggling to come up with a coherent way to explain the concept.  Thus, I think we need some standardized and oft repeated definitions.  :) 

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