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anyone own a vacation home and rent it out?


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I live in the northern part of the US and am sick of winter.  We can't move down south, though.  It's always been my dream to have a winter home somewhere down south, probably Florida.  We can't afford it now, but was thinking if we bought a home and rented it out to vacationers, that could be a way for us to do it.


Anyone have any experience with this?  If so, what can you tell me about it?  Is it worth it?

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There's a tv show on HGTV my husband and I have been watching with that very premise--buy a house and rent it out to pay for it.  The host's math usually says the people need to rent it out around 16-18 weeks-usually during peak season--to make it work. 


I'm sick of winter too and the idea of seasonal migration is appealing.

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