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About Aging and Shaping Homeschool Learning


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I have a parent with Lewy Body Dementia. What this means is Mom sees little gremlins and has a hard time finding her way to the bathroom. Her short-term memory is fading. This is a terrible fate. Not wanting to suffer this same debilitating disease, I've spent time trying to understand how one can retain cognition throughout life. The process is similar to homeschooling in that I try to teach my kids how to learn rather than require they learn a set of facts. I want them to ask questions and find their own answers. In short I want them to think and be challenged. 


Anyway, I came across this article that I wanted to share with other homeschool families:

You can increase your intelligence: 5 ways to maximize your cognitive potential


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Thank you! "You want to be in a constant state of mild discomfort, struggling to barely achieve whatever it is you are trying to do..." That struck home.


I also appreciated the point to "do things the hard way. " As I've worked to remediate handwriting for one of my children with learning struggles, we've turned to doing some simple things the old fashioned way. I wonder if some of the conveniences of modern life has made life harder for some children.


I'm sorry about your mother.

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