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Free-Writing Guidance Needed

Miss Tick

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We have done well with the WWE series up to now, but I would like to use this year and next to branch out some before we hit the WWS stage. SO, one of the things we tried recently was an island project. We started with some art work, read and talked about some islands in literature, then I set them free to write their own island story. So far, so good, but now what??? I envisioned them writing a story, then editing it with me, then one of us putting it onto the computer, printing it out and "publishing" it with the pictures they painted. What is happening, though, is they are still writing. And still writing. Not a lot of volume, mind you, just not "done'.


If I let them continue open-ended will they ever stop? I'm afraid they will lose interest in the project altogether by then. Should I set a deadline, like, "rough drafts to me on Friday"?


I don't want to crush their free-writing souls, even my reluctant writer is enjoying this, but I also don't want the project to slowly lose steam and never resolve, thus diminishing the appeal of free-writing in the future.


Those of you who are more comfortable with open-ended writing, please share with me ideas that would work for your family. I am nervously treading in new territory here!

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