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So...How low carb is low carb?


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I'm currently trying a modified version (I modify everything, lol) of the 2 Day Diet or carb cycling, which you can look up (many body builders do this). Anyway, the idea is that you choose 2 days a week and keep your carbs below 50 per day. The other days, you should eat a "normal" amount of carbs. I am doing it for weight loss and other health benefits that seem to be similar to those of the 5:2 fasting, which I have done but just cannot stick to because of the low calories.


On the days you go low carb, you are also supposed to consume plenty of protein and fat. I am doing 3 days a week instead of 2, and it really is quite easy. Check out the link, but don't buy the book. I did and returned it, as there wasn't anything in it that you can't find on the net. 

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Tiramisu, Dr. Peter Attia has some great information about cholesterol at his blog, "The Eating Academy". I'm linking you to part six in the series, because it's the one about LDL: http://eatingacademy.com/nutrition/the-straight-dope-on-cholesterol-part-iv


Also, I think Arctic Mama gave you some links to cholesterol information on Dr. Eades' blog. He also has a great two-part post about avoiding "Atkins Flu" when you start low-carb: http://www.proteinpower.com/drmike/saturated-fat/tips-tricks-for-starting-or-restarting-low-carb-pt-ii/ And that recipe for Tinto de Verano is fun as well. ;) (Though I personally would recommend saving that until *after* you are firmly in ketosis - alcohol during that transition would be rough, I would imagine!)

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I'm sorry to be disagreeable, and I mean no disrespect at all, but I would definitely not recommend any kind of carb cycling, "up day / down day", or intermittent fasting type plan for someone with hypoglycemia.

Oops. Neither would I. I apparently did not read the op closely enough before replying. Bad me.

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