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Since when have PayPal/Ebay held funds?

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I sold something on Ebay yesterday and I was paid this morning for it. Great, wonderful, now I can get our new board game.


But, I read the email more closely and it says that PayPal/Ebay will hold the funds for 21 days unless I either print a shipping label or I provide a tracking number when I ship.


When did they start doing this?


I can't print a shipping label, as I don't know the weight of the box. What is the best way to get a tracking number through the Post Office.



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Possibly the number from delivery confirmation would work? That is anywhere from $.65-$.75. Ebay has a pretty good help center; since this is a new thing surely they have information available to help you fulfill their requirements. I would check there and then possibly call paypal if you still don't find the help you need.


I know that it is a bummer, but I had a lady take my money and money from about 10 other homeschool moms and spend it without shipping anything to any of us. Here almost six months later I still do not have the items I paid for and paypal couldn't refund since she spent all the money and closed her bank account. I'd like to think these precautions are in place to protect and not to force you to purchase shipping through paypal. Who knows, though.


I hope you get it resolved very quickly. Do let us know how it goes.



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