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Canadians please help with Social Studies!


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Well even if you aren't canadian I'll take all the help I can get! I have 2 "4th" graders and a grade 1. I still don't know what to do about social studies.

Last year we did SOTW 1...however we didn't get through the book and to be honest they didn't retain much. Probably because I didn't do a whole lot of activities with them. They did loooove listening to the stories, even though I couldnt pronounce pretty much every name in there!


That being said. What is out there? Should I do canada this year? Should I do another SOTW? How about studying different countries around the world, maybe continents. I feel sooooo lost! Is there a canadian curriculum that covers everything?


Any and ALL help is much appreciated!


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I'm Canadian too and I'm using VP self paced history courses for mine. They have an integrated literature component and follow the same basic timeline as SOTW. I also had trouble getting SOTW done - but with the online course, it makes it easier to add to and if I don't get to something, I know it's still getting done and the kids are doing their independent reading too. But Canada might be fun.


Good Luck Canuck!

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