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How to deal with the "gimmes"


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one of  my children is like this, the other is not.  We just walked out of a toy shop this afternoon - we had a spare 15 minutes and the shop was right there so I said we could browse, on the understanding that we would not be buying anything and I did not want to hear "I want" even once.  DD walked into the shop and announced (in her whiniest tone) I want thaaaaaaat within three paces.  I turned around and walked her back out.  DS was allowed to continue browsing while DD and I stood outside.  She has been like this her whole life, it has never worked, I do not EVER buy random things.  I think it's in her wiring, and it very seriously does my head in.  At least she's finally (mostly) stopped grabbing things and clutching them to her chest sobbing as she asks for them, and generally keeps her hands off stuff somewhat more successfully. 


DS came out of the shop and shared with me that he'd seen some lego that he liked the look of that might be a good Christmas gift, and a science kit that he's keen to come back and buy sometime with his own money. 


Just adding.. "Mum, this is cool" and "this is something I'd like for my birthday" is absolutely fine with me.  SO long as it's not every three seconds, which is about how long DD can last. 

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