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WWE2, Worldly Wise 3000, & Daily Grams 3 enough?


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My daughter is seven. We're doing "third grade" this year, I suppose you'd call it. When we finished schooling earlier this summer, I did my research and purchased our books for the coming year. At the time, I also purchased all three of the level 3 Rod & Staff English items.


When I began to prepare to resume schooling, I looked again through our books for the purposes of lesson planning. There's just too much here. Since she's my first child, I'd just like some confirmation that using the curriculums I mentioned in the title (we do spelling separately) will not be going too light for this stage of schooling. Would anyone with experience using this combination care to weigh in on this? Thanks!

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I think the combo you have listed is just fine. In fact, it might even be more than you really need for a 3rd grader/7 yr old. My DS is now a 7th grader, for reference, and I do remember the anxiety I felt about covering all the bases when he was younger. You have plenty of time. ; )

I'd start with WWE2 and spelling. Add in readalouds if you both enjoy them, and also get her reading well on her own, if she isn't already.  All that would make for a complete LA program for a 7 year old, IMO.

I don't think you need to start a vocab program until spelling is solid; then drop spelling and swap in vocab in its place (middle-school-ish timeframe).  (This is also what SWB recommends in WTM, by the way.)  Reading good books goes a long way in vocab development, especially at her age.

I also don't see much need for grammar beyond basic parts of speech and basic punctuation until around 4th or even 5th grade. There's plenty of time for that, they learn it faster when they're a bit older, and grammar repeats so much every year it really just isn't necessary yet. If you do decide to go ahead with grammar, Daily Grams doesn't contain any actual teaching, just fill in the blank style review, so it might be frustrating for her if she hasn't had (much) grammar before. But if she has, and DG doesn't frustrate her, it shouldn't take much time in your day.

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