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Translation please? bilateral pars interarticularis in the lamina of L5


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We dont have internet at home right now so I haven't been around much. I ended up in the ER Saturday for several abdominal pain (thought it was pancreatitis) and they did a CT with contrast. I saw my regular Dr for a follow up today and while we discussed my ER visit he didn't mention that the report said:


Bony Structures: No destructive lesions identified. bilateral pars interarticularis and lamina in the lamina of L5 normal alignment of the lumbar spine.


Impression: bilateral pars interarticularis lamina in the lamina of L5


huh? I'll call my dr and ask but does that mean? google says something about a compression fracture? I would think he would have asked me about that.

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Pars interarticularis is a physical part of the bony vertebrae. Sounds like part of the medical transcription is missing?


If final impression says normal, I may assume the report was supposed to say normal bilateral pars interarticularis.


ETA: ???

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Drs office just called back, its a healed compression fracture on L5. I know when I broke it and the Dr just did an xray and had me in a girdle thing from hip to breast. I was in severe pain and bed ridden for 2 months but they kept saying no break and i didnt believe them. I couldnt even walk more then a few feet:( got hurt loading the trailer for a cross country move. I still mess up my back and need my spine realigned on a regular basis since that accident:(

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