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Math for a completely NON-conceptual 7th grader?

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I have a rising 7th grader, who despite best efforts, still has very little concept of what math is all about.  She's able to plug numbers into a formula - sometimes - for a while, but generally has no idea what she's doing or why.  We've done BJU and Math Mammoth (disaster - too many different approaches to one type of problem) and LOTS of explaining... She's doing BJU 6 (old edition) right now with the videos and likes that format but she really is not getting it. She wants to do BJU 7 next year but I'm not convinced it's the right approach.


Any ideas for me? I'm at a loss. Should she just memorize formulas, try Saxon for repetition, or should we try MUS in hopes of some understanding?  I fear she is like me, I don't think I got the "big picture" about anything until about 30, and I still struggle with Math.  I'm too close to the issue to figure this out!  :confused1:

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Rod and Staff math. Simple, straightforward, efficient, holds your hand as the teacher, and gets the job done. No fluff. Just math. The mastery style lets DC focus on one main topic at a time, and the review section at the end of every lesson keeps old concepts fresh.


The TM has a scripted plan for you to teach the new concept and check a recent one. Then there are a few class problems for her to work out *with* you to make sure she knows what she's doing before you set her loose in the lesson.


I've been wondering about R&S as I'm a bit of Memoria Press fan and they use it.  I'm thinking mastery-type math is what she needs?  I think I'll have a closer look at it.  Thanks.

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