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It's not too late to apply to colleges


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Taking Nan's advice and starting a thread which might be of interest to those needing more college options.  Nan in Mass posted the following in another thread:


Would you be willing to post the Forbes article in its own post, with an encouraging it's-not-too-late title for those on these boards who have students who want to go to college in the fall but have not yet found a spot?  There must be some of us who are panicking or mourning or feeling baffled rather than celebrating.  There might be some of us who have been dealing with emergencies and were unable to apply.  Or who have had non-college plans fall through, or changed their mind about further education.  This might be welcome news.  If you could perhaps mention that it is also still possible to apply to colleges with rolling admissions, that might also be helpful.  If you haven't been through the college application process before and you don't know terms like "rolling admissions", you might miss some good opportunities.




I'll post the link to the Forbes article in the next post.  If anyone has other links or suggestions, please add to this as it might be of help to others.

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This article is from May 2013, but I would think that many of the same colleges are actively seeking students this year as well.




No idea what I'm doing differently, but now I can't get the link to turn into a nice blue link.  If anyone can fix that, please post it

as a clickable link.  Thanks!


Oh, it turns blue after you post.  lol 




I think it's also important to mention that if your student has somewhere they really want to go, and it's not one of the extremely selective colleges, then by all means let them give a call to admissions and see if there's any chance for them to apply now.  You never know until you ask.  


Also, I don't have any article on this, but I'll do a bit of searching, but I would imagine that colleges get vacancies for the spring semester due to students dropping out or transferring.  You can always ask about the possibility and procedure for applying now for admission next January.  Be sure to ask if your student can or shouldn't take any college classes in the meantime.  You don't want to jeopardize freshman admission if that will affect financial aid.




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Here's another article listing some colleges which are still accepting applications this year.





Here's another great site by Petersons with a breakdown by application due dates.  Some are May 1st and others are even later.



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Encouraging article about spring admissions:






Interesting article, from 2011, about students being asked to go to another college and

their admissions being deferred for a year. 





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  • 2 weeks later...

The 2014 list is out now.


Here's a link to a College Confidential thread I saw with it - where someone added details to some of the schools (could be helpful):




The link with added details to some schools:




And here's a link just to the list itself.  The list also mentions whether financial aid is still available.  As always, there are some very good schools on the list if anyone is still looking to go somewhere this fall.



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