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Simply Music Learn-at-Home DVDS-anyone used this series?


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I think it's worthwhile if your dc are absolute beginners--the stage where they really want to play something, but don't yet read music. The program teaches songs by hand position and patterns, but not reading music. I've worked through the first volume and about 1/2 of the second, but not the third (accompaniment). My own dd would not touch it, as it was "baby stuff" to a kid who already read music well.


However, another child whom I was hsing last spring adored it. She desperately wanted piano lessons and the family didn't have the money. She loved being able to play some songs for everyone.


Often, at the early stages traditional music lessons can be very frustrating as learning to read music is so boring and it takes a year or so before most kids can play anything they really want to play (at least in our experience). I'm not sure how Simply Music would fit into regular piano lessons--maybe it would motivate the child to want to go on to more complex skills--improvising and music reading. I also think it might be a good way to discover whether you will have to/are willing to do the nagging thing for practicing. If your dc won't do Simply Music (which is instant gratification), believe me they won't do traditional!




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I think it's worthwhile if your dc are absolute beginners--the stage where they really want to play something, but don't yet read music. The program teaches songs by hand position and patterns, but not reading music. I've worked through the first volume and about 1/2 of the second, but not the third (accompaniment). My own dd would not touch it, as it was "baby stuff" to a kid who already read music well.


However, another child whom I was hsing last spring adored it. She desperately wanted piano lessons and the family didn't have the money. She loved being able to play some songs for everyone.


Often, at the early stages traditional music lessons can be very frustrating as learning to read music is so boring and it takes a year or so before most kids can play anything they really want to play (at least in our experience). I'm not sure how Simply Music would fit into regular piano lessons--maybe it would motivate the child to want to go on to more complex skills--improvising and music reading. I also think it might be a good way to discover whether you will have to/are willing to do the nagging thing for practicing. If your dc won't do Simply Music (which is instant gratification), believe me they won't do traditional!





THANK YOU Danielle!!


I think I will continue to watch how low it goes at the Homeschool Buyer co-op and go from there. I will probably buy it though as my son, 11 yo, has been trying to teach himself piano and can now play a few songs like Mary Had a Little Lamb and Old MacDonald. He cannot read music though and we live sooo far from town that music lessons would be rather pricy with the cost of gas nowadays. So I am thinking this might be a good place to begin and if he really likes it after the first two DVDs, then further the lessons might be worth it. ;)


Thank you for responding!

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