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HOD Rev to Rev with Lightning Lit Grade 7?


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Has anyone tried this combination?  I don't get along very well with DITHOR and have just been having my kids read a lot of books but as my 12yods heads into 7th grade next year I'm thinking that it's time to add in a bit more literature analysis as a preparation for high school.  


I've been looking around and wondered about the combo of Rev to Rev with LL7?  I would use LL to replace the DITHOR boxes and the Creative Writing book since LL combines both literature and writing.


Any thoughts?

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Or another thought - you could do a few literature guides (Progeny Press or there are a lot of free ones online) for some of the books you read in Rev to Rev??  Then you can keep the writing that is in the guide because it will offer writing instruction.  


I'm not an expert on HOD but it is a pretty busy program  and adding a whole different literature program seems like a lot unless you are cutting out some of the other readers in Rev to Rev.  I don't think LL offers actual writing instruction, just gives you writing assignments.  I could be wrong on that, but seems I remember hearing that before.  Hopefully, others jump in here that are more familiar with both programs.  



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Or another thought - you could do a few literature guides (Progeny Press or there are a lot of free ones online) for some of the books you read in Rev to Rev??  Then you can keep the writing that is in the guide because it will offer writing instruction.  


I'm not an expert on HOD but it is a pretty busy program  and adding a whole different literature program seems like a lot unless you are cutting out some of the other readers in Rev to Rev.  I don't think LL offers actual writing instruction, just gives you writing assignments.  I could be wrong on that, but seems I remember hearing that before.  Hopefully, others jump in here that are more familiar with both programs.  




I would be cutting out the DITHOR books and replacing with the books from Lightning Lit.  Hmmm . . good point about the writing in LL.  I'll need to look at the samples, though he would still be getting the writing instruction that is included in R&S English.

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Yep, you are right.  I thought of that after I posted,  that you are just replacing one reading program for another.  You are getting good writing instruction in R & S, so even if LL doesn't offer actual writing instruction you should be fine.  I think your plan looks good.  



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On another board, it was also suggested that I could just use the lit part of Lightning Lit (skip the writing assignments)  and keep the creative writing book that comes with Rev to Rev . . . I think this might be the solution I use.  I've been really appreciating the sequence of writing that HOD uses and would hate to mess it up :)

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You got me thinking if I wanted to do LL7/8 instead of DITHOR and so...I was looking ahead at the HOD World Geography guide where BJU Fundamentals of Literature is used (which would be 9th grade if you are doing Rev to Rev in 7th and M2M in 8th).

When comparing the TOC of LL7/8 and BJU, it seems BJU covers similar topics that are in LL7/8 such as plot, dialogue, character, poetry, conflict, etc.  

So what gave me pause was do I want to cover those things now or wait until 9th.

If we do LL 7/8 will my child get to HOD WG guide with BJU in 9th and say, hey we covered these topics (although with different books-although Treasure Island and Christmas Carol are in both HOD and LL8).

I mean, yes, DITHOR does also cover character, setting, etc but it seems to be on a simpler level which will be expanded upon in 9th with BJU.


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You got me thinking if I wanted to do LL7/8 instead of DITHOR and so...I was looking ahead at the HOD World Geography guide where BJU Fundamentals of Literature is used (which would be 9th grade if you are doing Rev to Rev in 7th and M2M in 8th).

When comparing the TOC of LL7/8 and BJU, it seems BJU covers similar topics that are in LL7/8 such as plot, dialogue, character, poetry, conflict, etc.  

So what gave me pause was do I want to cover those things now or wait until 9th.

If we do LL 7/8 will my child get to HOD WG guide with BJU in 9th and say, hey we covered these topics (although with different books-although Treasure Island and Christmas Carol are in both HOD and LL8).

I mean, yes, DITHOR does also cover character, setting, etc but it seems to be on a simpler level which will be expanded upon in 9th with BJU.



Oh, thanks for thinking of that.  I was wondering about that when I posted this and intended to do some more investigation.  So you think that LL7/8 is at the same level as BJU 9th.  I wish I had all three to sit here and look at together - LOL!  I sold my DITHOR (and repurchased it and then sold it again), and of course I don't have LL or the BJU book.  I'll be able to look at DITHOR and BJU at the homeschool conference but LL probably won't be available.  Maybe I should order it before the conference and then carry it with me - LOL.  


I'm still thinking and trying to decide what to do.  I just know for sure that I am not going to try DITHOR again.  Twice has been enough.  

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Since I am only going by online samples of both BJU and LL7 too, it is hard to tell how they compare. It just looked like LL7 went into a lot of detail about the literary terms and I thought it might be "on par" with BJU. 

I already bought DITHOR and so I gotta stick with it but I totally understand your decision not to, after trying over and over.  :)

Good luck in your search.


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