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shifting homeschool gears

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This is my 4th year homeschooling, and I've been following most TWTM rec's for our work with added co-op classes for variety.

I tell you what... I'm looking for my exit plan!

As my older two kids are, well, getting older, it's evident to me that I don't want to continue homeschooling the middle and high school grades.  And now I feel FREE.  Knowing that I won't be responsible for 2 of my 4 kids next year is really lifting a burden.

Why am I sharing this? First, because I am happy and feel like sharing with people who will get it.  Secondly because I want to thank the forums for guiding me and helping me see the many ways of homeschooling.


On top of all that, I am seriously eyeing Calvert for my next year's 4th grader so that the syllabus is planned out.  I've "done" 4th grade twice now, but this kiddo is getting tired of the same ol routine day in and day out, week after week doing the typical TWTM method.  I'm hoping I don't regret if I go with Calvert, especially since I'm used to doing things my way, but I'm thinking the pay-off is that I get some of my personal life back and can do other things that aren't getting done currently.  Staying on top of bills, groceries, cooking, tween drama/emotions, laundry, and seeing friends has just about put me over the edge here lately... so... that's it.. just kinda putting it out there.

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I get it.  :grouphug:   We're looking at putting DS in private school next year for 6th grade... it's a small school where 6th is still elementary and will be somewhat of a "fun" year for him, so it will be a good transition point for him.  It's never an easy decision!!


You're right though that I have also gotten SO much out of these forums the past couple years!!



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