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Showing Movie Trailers......legal?


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Hi everyone!


I haven't posted on the forums in quite a while.....I mostly just lurk but I have a question and thought the hive would know.


My daughter and I volunteer at our local library ( very small library ) twice a month.  They have decided to take a Saturday to try and raise awareness of our library within the community due to the fact we no longer get many patrons under the age of 40 ( besides teenagers who come in to use computers). We specifically want to reach young readers by displaying some classic books ( Black Beauty, Charlotte's Web, Willie Wonka, etc.) and having a movie trailer for each airing throughout the day.  My question is this.....are showing trailers legal?  Our library doesn't have a license to publicly show movies and the librarian was the one who suggested just using trailers.  I'm not sure.  Are trailers like movies and have copyrights? They have given this task (coming up with trailers for the various books) to me and my daughter. I just want to make sure its legal. 


Thanks in advance!

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