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Switching from MM to Singapore

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I keep feeling like my DS5 would be better served by switching from MM to Singapore. I am still new to homeschooling, but I originally chose MM because I liked that MM does the teaching (although, I've found that we basically do buddy-style math, with me scribing and nudging him through when he gets stuck) and believed that switching between all the Singapore books would be cumbersome. As our first year of homeschooling is coming to a close, I am realizing that using different books doesn't really bother me that much and that my son thrives on variety. 


We have just a few more weeks of MM1 left. My plan is to focus on LOF, Zaccaro, finishing up CWP1, and perhaps some Borac and living math books for the rest of the school year and over the summer. I was thinking that we would do MM2 in the fall, but I keep having this nagging feeling that my son would be better served by Singapore. I keep feeling like he doesn't need all the problems in MM and that the format of Singapore might appeal to him more (he seems to like workbooky things). But, I've been telling myself just to stay the course with MM, and that my nagging feeling is just me wanting something shiny and new.


Then today, I read this on MM's webpage:


  • Singapore Math's scope is slightly more advanced (quicker) in a few topics. SM covers single-digit multiplication and division a grade earlier (in MM, that is 3rd grade, in SM, 2nd). And, SM covers multi-digit multiplication and division a grade earlier as well (in MM that is 4th, and in SM it is 3rd). Decimals are covered quicker and earlier in SM. In grade 4, MM covers decimals up to 2 decimal digits and does not include decimal division, SM has them up to 3 decimal digits and includes all four operations.
  • In general, the scope of both curricula over 6 grades is quite similar, so that by 6th grade both curricula have covered fractions, decimals, percents, ratios, some easy algebra, and geometry topics up to the area of circle. However, MM includes more on statistics and probability than SM.


The above comparison does not apply to SM Primary Mathematics Standards Edition, which follows California standards and is therefore more advanced.



I believed that MM and Singapore were similar enough in content to not make a change worthwhile (I have all 6 levels of MM), but, after reading the above, I'm now feeling like we should make a change.


Has anyone switched from MM1 to Singapore 2? Why (or why not)? Do you think this switch would go alright or is there something I need to cover with my son before we switch? If we do switch, should I just buy the textbook, the IP, and CWP, or will I likely need more (keeping in mind that I do have MM1-6 for additional review)? Do you use the CA edition? Cost is not a big concern, but content, interest, and challenge are. What say thee wise folks? Thanks in advance.

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I didn't switch that early, but I switched from MM 4B to Singapore 4A, and it was a good move for my oldest. The presentation was much better in Singapore, and the fewer problems was also a plus. In addition, Singapore doesn't teach so incrementally like MM does, and the incremental stuff was unnecessary for my son.


I used Standards Edition (the CA one). I used TB, WB, and CWP. I had used IP with MM, but dropped it when we switched over to Singapore and were using the challenging problems (only) of CWP. I figured that was enough.

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I did get the HIG and was glad that I did. It had some explanations that I needed to pass on to my son. It also sometimes explained a problem type that wasn't practiced in the books until the end of section Practice section.


I found Singapore easy to teach, but I also think that way naturally (the mental math and such). But I had previously not gone with it partly because of the juggling of books, but then I realized that *I* wasn't having to juggle books. My kid was. And he was fine with it. :lol:

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Thank you again for your input. We have MM1B mixed review and pictographs left and then we are done. I showed my son the samples of Singapore online and he got very excited. He's been doing basic multiplication all day. :) I ordered the IP for 1A and B, to go along with CWP1 this summer, to make sure that he's solid going into level 2 in the fall.


I really understand why people spend so much money in their first year homeschooling. It takes awhile before you figure out what works for both parent and student. But, we're getting there. Slowly...

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