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Dictation protocol for evaluations in WWE: Strong Fundamentals


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I am wondering whether, for the fourth year evaluation in WWE: Strong Fundamentals, the student is expected to retain the entire dictation passage in memory long enough to get it written down, or whether the instructor can split the passage up into individual sentences. I apologize for my ignorance - we are new to WWE, and to dictation in general. The instructions in the book seem to indicate that the student should retain the entire passage, but that seems like an awful lot of text - I am not even sure I could retain it myself after three repetitions!





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You lead up to longer passages.  My son is in WWE 4 right now and the average dictation is approximately three to four sentences but we started out in WWE with one short sentence.  It's a matter of progression.  The dictation sentences that they have to do for spelling now seem so easy to my children now that they don't even make me repeat them twice.  My son might moan and groan when he hears it the dictation the first time but even if we have to go through it three or four times together, he does end up managing it on his own (and then says, "It wasn't THAT hard.").  I do not split the dictation up because I think (and this is MY opinion--I'm not sure what SWB would say) we would be working on two smaller dictations than one longer one.  Instead I will work through it with him as many times as it takes (I won't limit him to two or three repetitions and then expect him to recite it in full) until he gets it down.  Then he's on his own to write the entire thing.  I'll help only with spelling. 

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Here's a YouTube video of SWB doing dictation with her own son. There are actually two parts, but this is the first one. She keeps it real, LOL. She gives more help/support than the instructions in the book and keeps the phrases shorter with more repetitions. This helped me to have more realistic expectations when my DS was doing dictation in WWE4.  HTH.


Dictation With Dan, Part 1

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