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I thought I would never be the type of person that blogs but looking at some of them ... krazzymomma ... have been really inspiring. They make the kittke id in me go, "Oooh! Ooooh! I wanna do that!" And then the super ego in me says, "Like you have the time!?"


So I was just wondering: How often do you update your blog? How long does it take to update your blog? Do you do it just for fun or is there some sort of purpose to it?

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If you don't get a lot of answers to this, it may b/c a similar thread went around yesterday, but I didn't get a chance to answer that one, so I'll answer here!


My blog started when we moved out of state as a way to keep in touch with the "grandparents". As we started moving towards homeschooling, I started adding a lot more homeschooling posts, and when I found this site and some of the bloggers here, well, let's just say I let myself go to town. I know how much I have gotten from other peoples' blogs, so if I can, in anyway, inspire or enlighten anyone on their homeschool journey - then I am blessed! :)


I love my blog because it is my own outlet - while the forum is a place for debate and conversation, my blog is MY opinions. That can be fun.


I update mine whenever I get one of my kids doing something fun or cute (to me!) or if I read an interesting article or thought, or whenever I feel like venting (without feedback!) Anytime I do planning, charts, schedules, etc. I have started adding them as I find people like looking at them. (I know I enjoy others stuff, too!)


It does take awhile to set it up, depending on how picky you are, and I spend quite a lot of time on mine, making it "me". You can definitely do it minimal. I would suggest just starting and setting it up and seeing if you even enjoy doing it. I find it quite addicting, but it's my creative outlet.


Good luck and have fun! PM me if you are needing help setting it up. :)

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I started one as a curiosity/creative outlet/hobby/way to connect with other homeschoolers but I've also met non-mom bloggers who are cool too.


I update every few days. And I scratch out little thoughts re: topics in a notebook by the computer where I keep notes on all sorts of other life things too.


I always suggest that if you're interested, give it a throw. On Blogger, there's a "Delete This Blog" option if you change your mind.

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I thought I would never be the type of person that blogs but looking at some of them ... krazzymomma ... have been really inspiring.


:lol: How funny... I never thought I would one to blog either, but krazzymomma is the one who inspired me to do it too!


After getting passed the security/privacy issues... I decided to start a blog to keep family and friends updated/informed on what we're going to be doing w/HS... and I like to be able to see what/how other HSers are doing as well. So, I'd like to think that maybe mine can be helpful to other HSers some day too.


BTW, I don't think I ever said... thanks Monica! ;)



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