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Mastery Based Grammar Program Recommendations Please


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We're new homeschoolers, and my oldest is 12 years old (Grade 6).  We've been using Hake Grammar & Writing, but he hates it.  He says it's covering too many things at once and he keeps getting it all mixed up.  Nothing is being retained.  He loves Singapore, and I'm thinking by his description of what he dislikes about Hake, a mastery-based grammar program would serve him better.  He's a visual/kinesthetic learner, not auditory in the least.  So any type of discussion-based program that involves me teaching to him won't work.  He prefers workbook style where he can read things for himself and work on his own.  LA is his weakest subject and in my opinion, he's quite behind, especially in grammar.


Any suggestions?  

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I would prefer secular, but if the right program for him is religious, that's okay too.  As for me teaching to him, it's not that he dislikes it, it's that he doesn't retain any information.  He learns much better with programs that are written to the student rather than fully depending on the teacher teaching it to the student, kwim?  It doesn't mean I just hand him his work and he's on his own, I still oversee to make sure he's understanding what he's learning, and I'm of course available for him if he has questions or needs help.  A program that is instructed to the student works better for him.  He retains things better if he can read the definition of a verb, rather than me telling him.


I'll take a look at Analytical Grammar and Growing with Grammar, thanks for the recommendations.

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