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Where is he really? (Math)

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My 6th grade son just finished up Singapore Primary Math 5A. He does the workbook and extra practice great while we're doing the lesson. But on the final Review he got 2 out of 24 questions right?! He did the same thing on the semester reviews. I realize Singapore is mastery vs spiral and it has served us well since kindergarten but I'm wondering if he needs something that reviews better on a daily basis.

The confusing part is that when I give him placement tests for other curriculum options he is either on grade or one above? TT he was 2 grade levels above. I want him to be thought ready for prealgebra.

Has anyone else sifted through this kind of middle school ambiguousness! What solid programs make the transition to Algebra in these oh, so critical years? I'm considering Math Mammoth or continuing with 5B in Singapore but with supplemental review.

Also would love an independent study like Saxon, but not Saxon. I currently 'teach' him every lesson before he does the workbook. Exausting. And should it be necessary at this grade or should the book be presenting the info enough to learn math concepts well?

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I tend not to focus on the grade level of the book... Maybe think of math books kind of like clothing sizes. The number might make you feel good or bad, but it's somewhat artificial. Even though they try to standardize, one company's size 6 is another's 8. What actually matters is the fit, not the number.


As for review, I've had success with the Math Minutes series. They're good for keeping math concepts fresh and alerting you to areas that need review.


Regarding teaching... What we have done with SM is - I explain the lesson, do examples together and work from textbook orally whenever possible. Then I'd have kids do workbook independently. I often check the first one or two to make certain that they're not headed in the wrong direction. My dd finished Sm 6b last year and with our new book, we still do an explanation, then examples together, then work alone, then check, then re-work mistakes, then if they're wrong a second time, do them together. If I'm sure that we'll revisit the topic again, I might let it go... If I think it needs to be mastered right away, I'll stop everything and find ways to supplement and review the topic (MM is great for this). I can't imagine my kids trying to learn math without me quite close to explain and check.


So In your place, I would look carefully at what he's missed. Are they careless errors or does he actually not understand? Are they all in one topic? Have him redo the review - can he fix his mistakes?

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