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Veritas Press' Self paced history for 7th grader?

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I am thinking ahead to next year, and was wondering if anyone has used this with a 7th grader.  I know it is only supposed to go up to 6th grade, but if there was a way add some gentle logic level work/questions to this program, I think it'll be an excellent fit for my son.  He is delayed in reading/writing, but ready to move onto higher level thinking skills.  We'd be using the Middle Ages program.  Any thoughts on how to make this work?

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My dd, who is actually very advanced, did the 1815-Present last yr in 7th grade, and for us, it was a good fit. Basically I needed her to cover that time period quickly and efficiently, and I needed one subject to NOT be taught by me. Her other subjects were extremely challenging, so we were fine with history being easier. Some of the lessons were too easy (below her level), especially if she had studied it before (ie-the Wild West stuff). But even within that, I thought it still had challenging content. She enjoyed it a lot too. This yr I have 5th grade ds doing the same one and loving it. We are huge fans of the program!


Also, they had previously done the 30-day trial of the Middle Ages one, and what I saw of that was great and meaty-they went into a ton of detail about Augustine and I think it was Benedictine and so on. It was a lot of stuff I didn't even know!


The levels on the Self-Paced seem weird to me-not exactly sure who their market is because the MARR one would definitely be too hard for, say, a 3rd grader. We love it so we make it work for us. The retention is through the roof with this program!


Also, I was going to say that you can EASILY add extra to this to beef it up for a 7th grader if you want, but it makes a great base that definitely gets done and they love it!


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It was just the history, I think-we never did anything w/ the lit because she had a full lit course she was doing separately already. Hopefully someone else can answer that!


If you want lit/history tied in, with the questions all there for you, Tapestry of Grace is great too! If we had had more time and needed to add in lit, I would have done that, but I needed a standalone history and needed it to be a "git 'er done" subject last yr.

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