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Favorite 5th grade Science Textbook??

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We had originally decided on Apologia Zoology 3, but I am dreading teaching that book because she is a Sociable Sue and Science is one of the things we do mostly together.  I did Zoology 1 with the kids last year and at first I thought it was ok, but after a month I was already sick of it. In fact, I look back on it as one of the hardest things I have so far taught/used in my homeschool.  The long -winded explanations made me snore, my jaw hurt (I have TMJ) from reading aloud so long, and the "conversational" tone felt to me, more like annoying extra words.  The note booking ended up being more busy-work than joyful educational memories, and even my kids were so tired of it by the end of the year!


My dd and I both enjoy the Calvert Science we are doing this year which is a basic Science textbook with different chapters on various subjects.  But I want a homeschool-friendly AND Christian Science text.


So I want a Science text that ...


1.  Has a kit you can buy with all the supplies

2.  Has beautiful illustrations and nice large readable print, and good aesthetics- nice layout etc.

3. Christian

4. Does not require a ton of hands on activities- just some here and there

5. Is more affordable- aka I'd like to spend less than 75 between the book and kit 


It does not need to have extensive teacher's notes, etc





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Bju is having their online classes for $99 dollars right now. You could try the science class out that way. :) You would have to buy the student book though ( from anywhere) , and call and request the special over the phone.

My daughter is doing the bju sixth grade science and loves it and loves her teacher. It is really awesome.

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I was thinking Science In the Beginning would be a good fit for your criteria, though there is no science kit available. So far, we haven't needed one. It's mostly been stuff I have around the house, like a flash light, mirror, CD, etc. We had to search for a CFL light bulb, but found we were still using one on the back deck. :)


Notebooking instructions are in the text, and you can use a regular notebook. It's not busywork.


Lessons are short and easy to get done, yet the kids learn a lot.


I much prefer Dr. Wile's writing style to that of Fulbright. I also like that we're not studying one narrow topic all year.

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