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Doubts about writing assignment - 4th grade

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My son has received an assignment with no explanation.  Can you please read the below enclosed assignment and interpret it for me?  Is the target to reflect on what was written in the book and describe it from the point of view of a bystander who could be a new character reflecting on the tragedy described in the book? OR does my son's character need to spill a secret in a similar manner as the book character did? Also, are we allowed to use quotes, or is this not appropriate here?


Here it is:

Island of the Blue Dolphins


You Were There


In the following activities, you will become a character in each situation and express as though "you were there".


Activity 1. In a chapter one, we learn that the inhabitants of the Island of the Blue Dolphins are rather simple and primitive people. Karana was surprised that her father gave out his secret name to the strangers, for it is believed that once your secret name is known, its magic is lost.  When this happens, tragedy may follow.


In your reading response journal, write about a person with a secret name who used to live on the island. While you are sitting at the fire with the villagers, relate what happened to your character after he / she foolishly announced his /her secret name to others.


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It sounds like more of a creative writing assignment to me - come up with a new character living in the same setting (not necessarily at the same time as the events in the book, but on the same island and in the same culture) and write a first-person narrative by a character in a similar circumstance (revealing the secret name and what happened next). No quotations from the book or anywhere else should be necessary.

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Thank you, Lissande!


It sounds like more of a creative writing assignment to me - come up with a new character living in the same setting (not necessarily at the same time as the events in the book, but on the same island and in the same culture) and write a first-person narrative by a character in a similar circumstance (revealing the secret name and what happened next). No quotations from the book or anywhere else should be necessary.


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