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Analytical Grammar feedback


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I would live to get feedback in this product. I've purchased Junior Analytical Grammar and then the secondary product called Mechanics. I'm wanting it for my own basic knowledge as well. Our 9 yr old daughter is good but I want to help her be awesome.


I've purchased the DVD's as well and it will be our first time using someone as an additional teacher. We don't use or computer much becaus we are team truck drivers that homeschool our daughter on the truck with us full time. We have a computer (laptop) and a portable DVD player but it just hasn't been practical so far. We are planning on making it a practical part of our day though. We plannin doing Teaching Textbooks and IEW within the next 9 months.


Thank you for any input. We are Sonlight dedicated but I'm excited about inspirational products that keep it fresh for us.

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LOVE AG! Can't say enough good about it really. It is thorough and makes the skills concrete in a no frills, easy to learn way. Seriously it takes like 15 mins day. Don't have the DVDs and don't feel a need to have them. I do suggest being available and willing to walk your student through the first few lessons so they get a feel for how the program works. Also as skills become more challenging be available in the beginning of learning anew unit to walk them through it. Honestly I'm in no rush to get thought the entire program in 1 year. My dd is 13 yo grade 8. From this point on I will not do formal grammar instruction until my younger ones coming up are in about grade 7, maybe grade 6. Before that we will cover grammar and language skills by reading good literature and using IEW. IEW introduces the basics of grammar in an easy way, gentle. Perhaps we will also do a few lessons from primary or intermediate language lessons but really this isn't a just, but does build good narration, poetry, etc types of skills. AG does get more challenging as the lessons go on, so often I have my daughter do the parsing one day and e diagramming the next day or have her do only half of the page. We always do the tests and I have been impressed with the mastery. She is showing improvement AND is mastering the grammar. Passing easily even on the harder topics. This program is just so thorough yet makes it so easy to do!

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Analytical Grammar is awesome. It's strictly Grammar though. The videos work well for my daughter.


Also, if you do homeschool on the road, there are some curriculums (where there is someone that teaches the course online) that run on the Ipad you may want to consider.

Thank you for your suggestion. Using our Aircard with our iPad isn't really practical while we are moving. We drive about 20 hrs per day and she's awake for half of that. The signsl isn't always good so. As much as these cellular companies promise great coverage it isn't true.

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