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Should we do CLE 600 before Lial's BCM?


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I'm working on planning next year (I know, it's early, but I'm a compulsive planner), and I'm trying to decide if DD should continue with CLE 600, or if she will be fine with going from CLE 500 to BCM and then Pre-Algebra. I'm concerned that she is just learning the algorithms for solving the problems without really understanding why, and I think it would be good for her to do something different to solidify the basics first, but I don't want her to struggle if 600 lays down really important foundations before going on to BCM.


What do you recommend?

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There are a number of options for her.  It really depends on how she is doing, her learning style, if taking too many mental leaps would set her back or be that just right challenge she needs?  Is there any reason not to finish the elementary series before moving on?  I would take a look at the S&S of both carefully to look for large gaps or prerequisite knowledge.  Here is CLE's S&S (Page 40):



I've heard you can pick up a copy of BCM used very inexpensively.  I have Lials Pre-A which was just a few dollars used.  I would start there if you don't already own it.  The Lials texts including layout and presentation style are totally different which for some is fine.  We didn't care for it and used another curriculum for Pre-A - TabletClass.  


The other option I would consider is to take a hybrid approach. Basically combine CLE with another supplement such as BCM, MM, SM, etc...  That is what we are doing now with CLE & MM.  That way you could test out the waters with BCM or whatever else you may want to use vs. an all or nothing approach.  If she likes it you could then increase BCM and decrease CLE more gradually. Start with 1 day a week and go from there.


MM focusing more on conceptual understanding and is very easy to supplement with.  For Pre-A these workbooks look really good which we are considering as well: http://www.mathmammoth.com/worksheets/grade_7.php

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She does pretty well with CLE, we used MM 1-3 and she wasn't really retaining the information, so the spiral approach has helped her in that respect, but I feel CLE doesn't encourage mathematical thinking as much as I'd like. She started CLE at the 300 level, because that was where she placed after finishing MM3. 


I actually have a copy of BCM, plus the CD I got for a great price, so I already have it to look through. It looks like it covers most of the same things, but maybe at a faster pace, since it's designed to be more like a review/solidifying the bases for 7th and up. For Pre-A I am considering TabletClass or the Jousting Armadillos series, which I understand covers Pre-A and Algebra I over 3 years. 


We've done hybrids for every grade except 4th, and I felt like I couldn't take it anymore, since she was doing 2 full math programs a year (we school year-round, so she wasn't doing double work every day), plus everything else and it took so much time. I've really been trying to simplify the last couple of years, with mixed results. CLE has really taught her math facts well, but I don't really see her applying what she's been taught in "real life". My primary focus has been on English the last couple of years (remediating spelling and trying to build up writing skills), so I may need to focus more on math next year. 

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Hm, it sounds like CLE is working for her to learn the basics.  If she wasn't retaining things with MM CLE has helped her in that regard.  My concern is that in order to focus more on 'conceptual' thinking you might 'fix' what is working for her.  Have you shown her the BCM text yet?  If you want to focus more on math next year then maybe the simplification of math this year can branch out a bit next year?  


The reason we haven't switched from CLE is that it works for our two daughters where MM and other mastery programs alone did not.  So I will have the same dilemma once we finish CLE 600.  But I don't want to switch until completing elementary math as I find switching too often counter productive and disjointed for the student.  While our dds disliked math before and weren't retaining things they are now progressing with CLE.  Through adding in more conceptual materials such as MM and Hands on Equations it allows them to think about math from other perspectives as well.  


This isn't to say you couldn't just jump right into BCM.  That is as long as you think she is prepared for it.  But I would at least involve your dd in the process through allowing her to demo it.  Because if it simply doesn't work for her for whatever reason then you are back to square one.  And at that point her self confidence will be shaken.  You could even introduce it to her this year, lets say once a week on Fridays or starting this Summer.

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