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Speeding up HOD Beyond


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My daughter and I are getting tired of talking about pilgrims and we are only just starting Unit 6. I've just been feeling "okay" about HOD and have been trying to figure out if I should change curriculum or try to adjust HOD. Have any of you sped up the first half of Beyond in order to get through the pilgrims at a faster pace? Would that work okay? I thought about taking the next three weeks to quickly get through the pilgrims (reading through those parts of the books at a faster pace and doing any activities that I thought were interesting enough and skipping the rest). I'm thinking about using NOEO science anyway, so skipping the science in Beyond wouldn't be a big deal. We are also using our own math and language arts so missing those parts in the guide wouldn't be a problem. For Storytime, I thought we could just read the books that we missed for the specified genres later or over the summer. So, really, we would be speeding up the history and missing some of the poetry and Bible. Does this plan sound doable? Would I be completely messing us up?




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I haven't done Beyond yet (doing little hearts now) so I could be way off here but I think you should make the guide work for you. If you would like to speed it up I dont see why you couldn't. I think all curriculum can be tweaked in a way that best works for your family/child. Yes, doing a guide as written is wonderful too but if it is going to become trudgery then changing things up a bit would help. I'd go that route first before changing curriculum. Just my two cents :-)

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We just shelved Beyond at the end of week 5. We were tweaking the guide so much that only history was intact and we realized we really dreaded the history. We were using a mix of AO and OFE lit suggestions plus Histories Stories for Children from CLP to get through the end of the year. 

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