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Recommend me a book - I need to help my people talk about feeeeeelings.


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I have four (4) daughters.  I'm realizing that I haven't done, to date, a good job teaching them to talk through all the feelings.  And believe you me, we have a lot of feelings.  One girl, the eldest, is a stuffer.  The next girl is more of a yeller.  The third daughter is probably the best at the feelings, she's 4.  And the 2 y/o is, you know, 2.


I need help helping them.  I feel out of my league here.  Generally, I do a reasonably good job talking about my own feelings and handling things as they come up, but somehow I've not yet transmitted this stuff to my people.


Any ideas?  Thanks for thinking with me.


ETA:  They're 2, 4, 6 and 8.

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Looking forward to other responses but I really liked How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk. http://www.amazon.com/How-Talk-Kids-Will-Listen/dp/1451663889


Their technique of kind of mirroring what the kids say is helpful and since my kids are young I follow it up trying to label their feelings "it sounds like you're angry/sad/frustrated." I think it has worked well for my little boy, and he is able to tell me now how he feels without my prompting, although of course your older children are probably dealing with more complex emotions. And I think it has helped me stay conscious of the need to be accepting of whatever he is feeling and treat that with respect.

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