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Math Mammoth vs. MCP Math?


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Has anyone had experience with both programs that could advise us? I am trying to decide which program to use alongside Miquon as a supplement to Singapore Math (done in a charter school).


The advantage that Math Mammoth has is that I already own it, and can print it for all three sons. (Ditto Miquon - I bought the eBooks via Currclick some time ago.)


However I have serious graphic design quibbles with MM ... and I really love that MCP is a workbook that is bound and can remain intact. (Even though it would have cost us more over the course of three boys, I sort of regret buying the eBooks for Miquon. I miss the colorful workbook, and I like the idea of keeping the work done intact - and not in a binder.)


Would MM be dramatically superior, curriculum-wise? I suppose if I'm already printing out the Miquon pages I might as well do the same with MM. It's not as though the MCP workbook is in color....


Thoughts? Comments on how insane I am to be doing so much math anyways? ;)


FWIW, all of MM 1a and half of MCP Math A (which I did buy, so I can look through it) would be review at this point, though not a waste of time. He would probably breeze through those and finish them before the K year is out, leaving Miquon Red / MM 1b for the summer or the first half of 1st grade.


And yes, I'm the same insane person who is a little sad that her son's school uses Spalding, because that means I have no justification for buying AAS. I have problems.

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