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Is HOD's Resurrection to Reformation anti-Catholic?

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I have been using HOD for the past couple of years. I really enjoy the organization and content of HOD. We are currently using Creation to Christ and one book was blatantly anti-Catholic, Genesis-Finding Our Roots. Thankfully it was actually pointed out in the Teacher's Guide and after looking at the book itself I decided to ditch it entirely. 


My concern is that next year I planned on using Resurrection to Reformation. It looks wonderful but I am concerned that because of the actual subject being taught it could be anti-Catholic. I am all in favor of teaching the good, the bad, and the ugly about the Reformation but I want it to be fair. If there are blatantly anti-Catholic sentiments throughout a book or books I would want to know. If the entire tone of that year is anti-Catholic I would also want to know.


I emailed the owner and he replied that they have a great respect for Catholicism and many of the doctors of the Church, especially St. Augustine. But he did say that I should look at the books personally before making a decision. I may not have a chance to look at each book before ordering so I would love to know if anyone has an opinion about it. Have any Catholics used this particular package?


Thank you!


Elise in NC

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