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S*ex Ed in Kindergarten


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One one the girls in question lived in a single-dad household and her parent was, I think, grateful for the help.

You know, I think there are a number of parents and families where this is true. It's just another form of "outsourcing." I don't think there's anything wrong with the CPS plan nor with covering these things with young children.


3-5 yo is about when we start talking about it. We use "It's So Amazing" and try to talk about gender in non-binary ways. My kids haven't lost their innocence and I didn't drag them away from their toys and coloring books to force feed them the information. It wasn't any different than any other storytime. We pulled out the book, sat on the couch, and read together. *shrugs* My kids have often pulled the book off the shelf to read on their own. My ds has read part of the book to his sisters much like any other book when one's older sibling can read and you can't.


It's so mundane it's a non-issue. No shame. No guilt. Just fact based information like why the sky is blue and which planet is fifth from the sun.

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I think it sounds appropriate for k. I like to give honest answers to my children in age appropriate terms. If the kid is able to ask the question they deserve an answer. We have had to explain both death and conception to our preschool age children. I don't think it traumatized them or took their innocence. We have had to have conversations about touching and what appropriate and with children of both genders, we've had to explain the different functions and names of boys and girls private parts. We've also discussed breast feeding. If my kids asked me about or if we knew a same sex couple, we'd explain that too.


I really believe it's more damaging to avoid answering a question or lie. Like saying "Grandma is sleeping." Or to tell a child the stork (insert what you will) the baby.

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