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Project Passport broke my printer

Annie Laurie

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I broke mine printing out everything for Confessions of a Homeschooler's Expedition Earth World Geog. curriculum. Dh was so happy. He had been wanting a fancy new one for years.

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What kind of printer is it?  My Brother "coded" last year, I searched the code online and it was an easy, do it yourself fix.  It had to do with after so many thousands of times of running the cleaning feature it said it needed a new absorber.... I didn't change that, just went through the steps to reset the code and haven't had a lick of trouble since.


If you need a new printer, I would look at Brother inkjet printers, not only have I had this baby for 8 years and print like a mad woman (like at least a case of paper a year), they have crazy cheap generic ink on Amazon (less than a buck a cartridge).  I print in full color for less than half a penny a page including paper (which I buy by the case when I find good deals... or at Walmart when there are no sales.. $28 a case).  I do wish mine would die so I could get a duplex machine... they were in their infancy when I bought mine and way out of the normal persons budget... now you can get an awesome one on Amazon for about $100 that duplexes.


It's a Canon Pixma MX870. (Inkjet.) I searched the error code yesterday (B200), but it appears to be pretty bad. I tried what I read for fixes, and none worked. I think we've had it for 2 years. Not happy.


I'll keep that in mind about the Brother printer. Thank you for mentioning that!

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