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Northern California Newbie Intro

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I am new to posting in this forum. I started home-schooling my 9 year-old dd last year. We were fresh out of public school after 3rd grade. We had a decent public school experience, but we chose to home-school because we could. We are going through a home-school charter mostly for financial reasons. They do not prescribe for us what or how to teach. They just require that we report what we have done and participate in standardized tests. We basically spent the first year (4th grade) mostly "de-schooling" while keeping up on Math, Grammar, Religion, and Chinese. It took the year to discover what method of homeschooling would work best for our family. I found that my daughter kept asking questions about ancient times and the first humans. She was really interested in the origins of things. I found that I had to keep going back to ancient Greece and Rome to explain why we still do certain things today. In reading other home-school bloggers talk about classical education and referencing Susan Wise Bauer, I reluctantly concluded that we needed to use the trivium and go classical all the way! I say reluctantly because I am lazy and this is not the lazy homeschooler's route! I have been reading The Well Trained Mind for a few days after lurking as a guest on this forum for a few months. I am really excited to be here and happy to have finally settled on a method for my children's education. I also have a 2 year-old daughter who is quickly picking up her letter sounds and other exciting new skills. I look forward to learning more from all of you!





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