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Principles from Patterns Algebra

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My middle ds used this alongside Keys to Alg one fall. He then went to a tutorial in the spring that used MUS Alg 1. MUS definitely required less thinking than the MMM + Key to combo. As far as coverage, at the time it seems like I remember the coverage as being similar and that both of them covered more than TT Alg1. Of course, all of these options cover Alg at less depth than some of the more rigorous math texts, but they are pretty standard, basic alg programs right up there with what is taught in the public schools here.


Don't worry so much about whether it is Alg or Pre-Alg, but about meeting your child at his ability level. If this is the program that meets him where he is and carries him forward, then run with it. It may end up being a bridge to a basic Alg2 program or to a more rigorous Alg1 program. It may be that if you use something like TT for Alg 2 that you then move from there to a more rigorous Alg2 or that you continue with something like TT through calculus and then have him move to an AP calculus course.


There isn't just one path. The best math program (aside from the obvious that it is the one that gets done) is going to be the one that meets your child at his ability level. This will not be the same for every child. Even 2 children who have completed the exact same program will not test the same on the final. 




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Agreeing with Mandy. My VSL loved it and it gave him a solid foundation. You don't mention what age your student is, but if you have time, I would recommend going on to something like Life of Fred or AOPS afterwards, as these are also great for VSLs but take things a lot further.

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Thanks for the input!  Some additional information:  My dd is almost 13 and in the 7th grade.  She is currently doing Key to Algebra + Zaccaro's Real World Algebra.  Algebraic ideas are really clicking with her, and I'm just trying to figure out the next step (I'm a planner).  I am considering what she is currently doing "Pre-Algebra."  So I really am looking for what will follow.  Do Aops really work for your VSLs?  I can't get a good idea of the format from the samples.  It just looks like problem after problem, with no initial lessons.  I have to color-code the Key to books, but I don't mind doing it, as it's sticking.  She's definitely big picture. 


From what you have said, it seems like Principles from Patterns Algebra might be a repeat of Key to + Real World, and I don't want to *bore* her, if you know what I mean.  She dislikes doing the same stuff over and over again.  Thoughts on the next step, then, if not Principles from Patterns?

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