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First, Second, Third & Fourth Form Latin - transcript grades?

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How are people calculating grades for First, Second, Third & Fourth Form Latin to go on the final transcripts.


I'm in a bit of confusion over whether or not to count First & Second Form as a full high school credit (despite what their website says) - I think I'm comfortable counting them each as 0.5 credit (son did them in 7th & 8th grades). I'll probably count Third & Fourth Form Latin as 1 high school credit each...but I still need to figure out how to assign a final course grade for the transcript. ie, what percentage homework, quizzes, tests, etc.


Any help would be appreciated.




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I did a little bit of research for high school Latin syllabi last night and this is what I came up with as a grading scheme for Third Form Latin.


Any thoughts for me? I'd appreciate any help I can get. :)

  • 40% Tests/Projects - might include one project per semester to cover their culture or something like that
  • 30% Quizzes
  • 30% Homework (the homework is quite extensive and I grade it all, so I feel like 30% is reasonable)




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If I have to give a grade in a class taught at home, I use tests only and save them in a binder. I consider homework and quizzes to be study materials while exams are the graded end result of all previous study. But truly, you can do it any way that works for your family. I use tests only because that works well for us. For what it's worth, my eldest is dual-enrolled and most of her professors have included the quiz grades in the final grade.

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If I have to give a grade in a class taught at home, I use tests only and save them in a binder. I consider homework and quizzes to be study materials while exams are the graded end result of all previous study. But truly, you can do it any way that works for your family. I use tests only because that works well for us. For what it's worth, my eldest is dual-enrolled and most of her professors have included the quiz grades in the final grade.


In the Latin Forms from Memoria Press the Quizzes are their weekly lesson "tests" they're just called quizzes. The "Tests" are the big Unit tests (which cover several weeks at a time) and then the Final Exam. So, I'm actually weighing testing pretty heavily.


Thanks for your input! That's how I've done it in the past, just a bit concerned about high school as this is my first experience moving toward official transcript grades.




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