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It's NOW official...we are packing for Naples, Italy!!! (updated)


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DH received the "tentative official offer" from HR this morning. He has to fill out some paperwork (basically saying we qualify for the job...whatever). I called my dad (he's not thrilled...but the worst is yet to come when I speak to my mom, tomorrow...so not looking forward to that!)


They want us there in early September. We have to push to get the paperwork done in July...as soon as we have his official orders I can start scheduling shipments. We have nearly finished "rough sorting" all of the kids' stuff. Next is the "fine sort" -- and Shaun and I still have all of our paperwork to get through. But definite progress has been made. We should be in good shape with lots to sell/freecycle at the end of the month...through the middle of August.


Due to the hectic nature of the move, I'm contemplating putting Blondie, PokeMan and LEGOManiac into the DoDEA school for at least the first semester (possibly even the 4yo, if they have Pre-K)...I don't need those four to get further behind in their school work...and I know I can count on my PonyGirl to get hers d.o.n.e. Any thoughts on that one??? This will be our 2nd move in less than 2 years (plus, we built this house...so I was pretty pre-occupied).


That is all...

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The DoD system does not have pre-k and they are very firm about the dates kids are allowed to start school. That is how we started homeschooling in the first place. ;)


You will find preschool programs on post within the childcare system, which I *think* contractors are allowed access to overseas?

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The DoD system does not have pre-k and they are very firm about the dates kids are allowed to start school. That is how we started homeschooling in the first place. ;)


You will find preschool programs on post within the childcare system, which I *think* contractors are allowed access to overseas?

Good to know...I'll be looking up the pre-school information. I'm not overly concerned with her "schooling" right now as I am her starting speech therapy. I know they have that as part of the school services we can receive...if it's not available to her until K, then I'll keep her home and try to find something outside of the school.

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