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Setting up Khan Academy as a coach

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Hello all,


I cannot figure this out on the Khan Academy website. I signed up as a coach, and added my student, but what do I do now? I thought I would be able to "assign" lectures or units to watch/do, but I cannot figure out how to do that. I want to make a list of things for him to watch/do, but I don't see how I can do that. The only thing I see about being a coach is that I can see what he has watched and how he is progressing.


Instead, do I just go through and write up a list on a piece of paper and have him just check them off? It seems like they would have built in this feature with the whole coach system, so I guess I'm just surprised and think there must be something I am missing.


Has anyone done this?



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Well, so doesn't the website suggest what you should do next? That doesn't seem much different. I just don't want him to have to slog through a bunch of stuff he already knows because then he loses interest. I guess I will just make a list of suggested places to start.

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