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Well, we're trying for Italy...again.


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My dd(11) asked me what the odds were for dh to actually get the job. I told her about 4:1 against us getting it (this is the 4th time we've applied...we were more-or-less told the job was his 5 years ago, and didn't get it, so to me, it's just a pipe dream, a wonderful pipe dream, though).


Of course, should we get it, I've got to somehow convince my parents that they really, really want to just sell their place and rent ours (at a really good price) for 5 years ;)

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What a great city to spend time in.


My daughter's best friend is Italian, and they've lived Stateside for the past six years. They're moving back to Italy (Florence) at the end of the summer, for good. What an awesome experience to live abroad. I hope the 4th time is a charm for you guys!

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