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Power Rangers? quick advice...

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My special needs 10yo son (mild mr and autism spectrum) came home from his day camp and really wants to watch this today. His best friend at camp is really into it.


Is this show about the same level as animated Transformers and Superfriends? Are the themes really dark, evil or violent?


I don't have time to research thoroughly right now. I can't find a Christian review through google - so I though I would try you all. Thanks!

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My nephew (also 6) loves to play-act it with them when he comes over. The "violence" is extremely cartoonish martial arts, even though it's live-action.


Here's your standard plot:


"Power Rangers, who are usually attractive teenagers in their normal lives, are often called upon by a manager/mentor to save the world from bad guys in ugly rubber suits. Usually they'll join up to use various fighting vehicles to morph into one big Megatron robot. This is usually necessary because the bad guys have taken their monster at the beginning of the show and made him Godzilla sized."


The flavor changes -- Operation Overdrive, SPD (Space Patrol Delta), Jungle Fury, Mystic Force -- but the formula is always the same.

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The show tends to appeal to the younger ones. I think ages 4-6. If I remember correct it is very mild as far as violence and the Power Ranges always win. No blood, visual violence, etc.


I don't think you will have any issues if he watches Transformers or Superfriends.

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My DS (also special needs) LOVED Power Rangers back when he was around 9-10. He's 12 now.


They are not really scary or dark at all. Silly, actually, depending on which series you are watching. I think we liked the Time Force series best.


Basically, a bunch of teens defend their town or school from some hokey looking "monster" or bad guy, who is clearly in a low-budget costume. I did like the fact that teamwork, cooperation and persistence were always themes of the show.


Oh, bringing back the memories! We had so many PR action figures around our house! And when DS was much younger, he loved wearing a Red PR costume everywhere!

Michelle T

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Here's your standard plot:


"Power Rangers, who are usually attractive teenagers in their normal lives, are often called upon by a manager/mentor to save the world from bad guys in ugly rubber suits. Usually they'll join up to use various fighting vehicles to morph into one big Megatron robot. This is usually necessary because the bad guys have taken their monster at the beginning of the show and made him Godzilla sized."


The flavor changes -- Operation Overdrive, SPD (Space Patrol Delta), Jungle Fury, Mystic Force -- but the formula is always the same.


This is a very good description!

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Ok thanks! We are watching it together right now. It's not the best, but I do want him to watch a few bigger boy shows like his friends.


He has echolalia and has memorized most Charlie and Lola episodes. He recites them throughout the day through his conversations with us! He acts out Transformers and Superfriends with the toys. We'll see how this goes with all the grunting and "Ya, Ya's" - Yikes!

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